Hey Kids, Comics! #16 - Sensing Comics: Making Senses of it All

Have a look, hear us out, take a whiff, and cop a feel with the latest tasty issue of Hey Kids, Comics!  In case this introduction has not  tipped you off,  your hosts Andrew Farmer and Cole Houston discuss the senses.  Heightened senses to be exact.  In this introductory episode of the latest arc, “Sensing Comics”, the concept of how four of the five senses are greatly improved by powers or devices in comic book characters.  The stage is also set for the next four episodes in which an individual sense will be examined within the realms of both comic books and real world applications. 

We hope you enjoy this extra special  extra-sensory  edition of HKC!

Our sincere apologies for the lateness of this issue.  Due to various technical difficulties we were forced to postpone for two days.