Hey Kids, Comics! #198 - Get Off of My Page!

Welcome to a follow up to a previous issue of the show that simply could not wait another week!  Following up on the incomplete HKC! #195, Andrew Farmer and Cole Houston are proud to bring you an exploration of comic book creators insinuating themselves into their own work.

From the ubiquitous appearances of Stan Lee and Jack Kirby to the Marvel Bullpen insinuating themselves into the X-Men, comic creators seem to love joining their own creations.  "The Rantcor Pit" co-host Eddie Mednina returns to join in on this…

From the ubiquitous appearances of Stan Lee and Jack Kirby to the Marvel Bullpen insinuating themselves into the X-Men, comic creators seem to love joining their own creations.  "The Rantcor Pit" co-host Eddie Mednina returns to join in on this discussion of a phenomenon that seemed to run rampant at Marvel Comics.

Learn all about the John Byrne Swagger and more!
