Hey Kids, Comics! #205 - Strange Days Indeed

Doctor Strange has hit the theaters at last and cast its spell on comic fans and moviegoers alike!

Like Tahiti, Hey Kids Comics! becomes a magical place this week as Andrew Farmer and Cole Houston attempt to enter the mysterious Kamar-Taj and gain insights into ancient mysticism.  Failing that, they discuss the latest Marvel Studios film, Doctor Strange.

Mrs. JediCole joins the conversation as the comic book and movie lore are compared and explored.  How did this trio feel about the changes made to classic Marvel characters, the introduction of true mysticism to the Cinematic Universe, and the arrival of the Sorcerer Supreme?  Find out by listening to the incantations contained in this week's podcast!

JediCole is getting all Vishanti on the JCU this week!

JediCole is getting all Vishanti on the JCU this week!