Hey Kids, Comics! Quarterly #2 - I Go Ditko

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Welcome to the second edition of Hey Kids, Comics! Quarterly, the four-times-a-year special issue of the show. Your hosts ran out of quarter between July and September, so the issue for the third quarter of the year has run rather a bit into the fourth quarter!

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In June of this year a giant in the comic industry passed away, none other than Spider-Man and Doctor Strange co-creator Steve Ditko. That made what would have been a standard issue of HKC! somewhere down the line a bit more akin to the topic for a quarterly. And who better to explore the career of this comic book legend than Eddie Medina, the ad-hoc third host of this very show!

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So get ready for a lively exploration of the life and times of comics’ most fascinating recluse…and don’t get too hung up on the timing of last quarter’s Quarterly!

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