Hey Kids, Comics! #95 - Women Into Comics

It is July 4th but that won't stop us bringing you the latest issue of Hey Kids, Comics!  Issue #0 was released on this day two years ago as a matter of fact, so why buck tradition?

Instead Andrew Farmer and his faithful co-host Cole Houston have determined to buck stereotypes and pop-culture myths with a special issue that dispels the myth that comics are "just for guys".  Their special guest is none other than Dallas-Fort Worth area cosplay and convention favorite Taffeta Darling!

Yes, it is not a "boys club" out there and has really never been at full, despite what publishers might have thought for decades.  With a great perspective on women in comic fandom, and especially introducing a whole new generation of readers to the medium, this show is full of lively and informative discussion.  So join us for one of the most compelling issue ever as we move into our third big year as the comic book show that explores every conceivable angle of what comics are all about.