Farewell Kenny Baker (1934-2016)

My phone seems to know me too well.  Earlier today I had chosen to avail myself of a little free time to indulge in a brief nap.  Upon waking I reached over to collect my phone which was charging nearby and the screen opened to a headline, despite me not having had the internet connection on any news feed that I recalled.  "Kenny Baker, the Man Inside R2-D2, Dead at 81".   

As the producer and co-host of The Rantcor Pit and The Rantcor Pit Live, I felt a few words on the passing of Kenny Baker were in order here on the JCU site.

It was rare that I would seek celebrity autographs at various signings over the years.  As a result I only had one opportunity to really meet Kenny Baker in person, despite various appearances at conventions in the Dallas area over the years.  I did opt to stand in line with friends who were seeking his autograph and had the opportunity to see the joy that he and his wife took in greeting the fans.  There was a glow about the man as he greeted Star Wars fan after Star Wars fan seeking to say hello, to thank him for his role in the film that inspired so many, and to take home a memento of such a meeting, if only far too brief.

As an actor it must have been quite a surprise for Baker to be propelled into the spotlight of phenomenon that came with what was a most curious role indeed.  Sitting all day inside the shell of a robot in a space movie?  Yet in behind the scenes footage it is obvious that he gave it his all and by Jedi was having the time of his life inside that cumbersome costume.

While it was George Lucas' vision that gave us a man inside the machine, it was Kenny Baker who truly gave us R2-D2!

I never really got to meet the man, but I know that my enjoyment of C-3PO's friend and foil was greatly enhanced by his presence.

Farewell Kenny Baker.

Thank you for the memories.

Cole "JediCole" Houston
August 13, 2016
Returns Sunday, June 26, 2016!

Bobby Blakey, master of martial and cartooning arts, has been busily plying his fighting skills while juggling the publication of his amazing comic book series Keepers of the Dawn.  As a result, JCU Sunday Funnies has taken a brief hiatus that will conclude this Sunday! - JediCole

Watch "The Rantcor Pit Live" Today For a Special Announcement!

Hey everybody!  JediCole here to let you know that you should watch today's episode of "The Rantcor Pit Live" from Deep Ellum on Air from 12 PM to 1 PM Central.  Click the link below to go straight to Watch On Air Live and see myself and Eddie Medina talk encounters with the stars of Star Wars!  

Our special guest this time is Bobby Blakey for a many reasons, not the least of which is that announcement that will be made live on the show!  

Then look for a follow-up post that will appear on this website shortly after the end of the latest episode!

- JediCole

Hey Kids, Comics! Will Return on Friday! Here Comes #150!

Owing to everything from work schedules to illness to time away on vacation, your HKC! hosts have had a roller coaster couple of weeks and as a result have not delivered on the 150th issue that has been promised.

Rather than present something "just to get it out there", or worse yet, have an Assistant Editor's Month, Andrew Farmer and Cole Houston have opted to get rested, get well, and get their asses in gear to knock out the best sesquicentennial episode of this show possible!

We will return on Friday, September 25, 2015 with The Best Comic WE Ever Read, a precursor to the upcoming HKC! Quarterly, a new double-sized show to be produced four times a year! 

Half-Ass Roundtable Needs You!

After an absence of close to a year the “sink-or-swim” interactive show that brings three seasoned podcasters and one special guest together is coming back!  But to do so we need some new material.  And this is where YOU come into the picture.

If you are unfamiliar with Half-Ass Roundtable, the mechanism is fairly simple.  Cole “JediCole” Houston and Andrew Farmer of the United States of Geekdom and JCU along with Stuart Baulk of the Midnight Movie Cowboys and a different guest each episode discuss a single topic for half an hour.  The catch is that we do not know the topic until just after we start recording the show.  After the secret topic is read we have a strict 30 minutes to carry on a genuine discussion (or fail miserably in the attempt).  All topics are sent in by listeners and readers from the various websites and go to Mrs. JediCole for review and inclusion.  She then forwards them to me in emails that are given color coded subject titles.   None of these emails is ever opened by me until they are selected by the Half-Ass Roundtable panel for reading.

Anyone can submit potential questions though we do ask you to limit your initial submissions to no more than four at a time.  This way we do not, by accident, select the suggested topics of only one contributor every single time.  Once all of your topics have been used in episodes additional topics can be submitted.  Topics can range from a specific movie, television show, or comic or a broader topic specific to fandom, filmmaking, or other geeky issues.  Please do not send in topic suggestions on politics, social issues, or other worldly topics as this is not that kind of show.  When you submit a topic suggestion (or up to four different ones) please be sure to include Half-Ass Roundtable in your subject line and include the name and any other information you wish to have read on the show if your topic is selected.  If you only want your first name read please include only your first name.  City and state or even a website you are associated with are also great things to include.  Send topic suggestions to the following email address ONLY:

If you send more than one topic suggestion they can all be included on a single email.  Mrs. JediCole will separate them into individual emails when they are color coded for potential use on the show.  If you have only one or two suggestions send them now and if others come to mind you can always send them in separately, but only four will be considered for inclusion in the topic pool. 

Send in  your suggestions today help The JediCole Universe bring back a great show!